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Relevant Topics That Matter in Business and Life

Timing strategies could become more powerful in 2017, depending on what happens with tax reform

Projecting your business income and expenses for this year and next can allow you to time when you recognize income and incur deductible expenses to your tax advantage. Typically, it’s better to defer tax. This might end up being especially true this year, if tax reform legislation is signed into law. Timing strategies for businessesHere… Continue reading Timing strategies could become more powerful in 2017, depending on what happens with tax reform

Posted on October 3, 2017 in Taxes

Don’t let “founder’s syndrome” impede your succession plan

Are you the founder of your company? If so, congratulations — you’ve created something truly amazing! And it’s more than understandable that you’d want to protect your legacy: the company you created. But, as time goes on, it becomes increasingly important that you give serious thought to a succession plan. When this topic comes up,… Continue reading Don’t let “founder’s syndrome” impede your succession plan

Posted on September 20, 2017 in Taxes

How profitable are your customers?

“We love our customers!” Every business owner says it. But all customers aren’t created equal, and it’s in your strategic interest to know which customers are really strengthening your bottom line and by how much. Sorting out the data If your business systems track individual customer purchases, and your accounting system has good cost accounting… Continue reading How profitable are your customers?

Posted on September 15, 2017 in Taxes

Find the right path forward with KPIs

From the baseball field to the boardroom, statistical analysis has changed various industries nationwide. With proper preparation and guidance, business owners can have at their fingertips a wealth of stats-based insight into how their companies are performing — far beyond the bottom line on an income statement. The metrics in question are commonly referred to… Continue reading Find the right path forward with KPIs

Posted on August 31, 2017 in Taxes

Could captive insurance reduce health care costs and save your business taxes?

If your business offers health insurance benefits to employees, there’s a good chance you’ve seen a climb in premium costs in recent years — perhaps a dramatic one. To meet the challenge of rising costs, some employers are opting for a creative alternative to traditional health insurance known as “captive insurance.” A captive insurance company… Continue reading Could captive insurance reduce health care costs and save your business taxes?

Posted on August 21, 2017 in Taxes

Back-to-school marketing ideas for savvy business owners

August is back-to-school time across the country. Whether the school buses are already rumbling down your block, or will be soon, the start of the school year brings marketing opportunities for savvy business owners. Here are some examples of ways companies can promote themselves. A virtual “brag book” A creative agency posts on social media… Continue reading Back-to-school marketing ideas for savvy business owners

Posted on August 17, 2017 in Taxes

Material participation key to deducting LLC and LLP losses

If your business is a limited liability company (LLC) or a limited liability partnership (LLP), you know that these structures offer liability protection and flexibility as well as tax advantages. But they once also had a significant tax disadvantage: The IRS used to treat all LLC and LLP owners as limited partners for purposes of… Continue reading Material participation key to deducting LLC and LLP losses

Posted on August 9, 2017 in Taxes

4 tough questions to ask before expanding to a new location

Is business going so well that you’re thinking about adding another location? If this is the case, congratulations! But before you start planning the ribbon-cutting ceremony, take a step back and ask yourself some tough questions about whether a new location will grow your company — or stretch it too thin. Here are four to… Continue reading 4 tough questions to ask before expanding to a new location

Posted on August 2, 2017 in Taxes