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Relevant Topics That Matter in Business and Life

ESOPs offer businesses tax and other benefits

With an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP), employee participants take part ownership of the business through a retirement savings arrangement. Meanwhile, the business and its existing owner(s) can benefit from some potential tax breaks, an extra-motivated workforce and potentially a smoother path for succession planning. How ESOPs workTo implement an ESOP, you establish a trust… Continue reading ESOPs offer businesses tax and other benefits

Posted on July 26, 2017 in Taxes

Why Update Business Accounting Software?

  Many entrepreneurs ask us why update business accounting software so often? Well, when you buy accounting software, even if the installation goes well, you will eventually grow frustrated when you don’t get the return on investment you’d expected. There’s a simple reason for this: Stuff changes. Technological improvements are occurring at a breakneck speed. So yesterday’s cutting-edge… Continue reading Why Update Business Accounting Software?

Posted on July 7, 2017 in Accounting

How to Decrease Your Business Insurance Costs

  Adequate insurance coverage is, in many cases, a legal requirement for a business. Even if it’s not for your company, proper coverage remains a risk management imperative. But that doesn’t mean you have to take high insurance costs sitting down. If you are wondering how to decrease your business insurance costs, there are a… Continue reading How to Decrease Your Business Insurance Costs

Posted on June 15, 2017 in Accounting, Business Strategy

What Are the Tax Implications of Making an Employee into a Partner?

  In today’s competitive environment, offering employees an equity interest in your business can be a powerful tool for attracting, retaining and motivating quality talent. But what are the tax implications of making an employee into a partner? If your business is organized as a partnership, however, there are some tax traps you should watch out… Continue reading What Are the Tax Implications of Making an Employee into a Partner?

Posted on May 30, 2017 in Accounting, Taxes

Could Stronger Governance Benefit Your Business?

  Every company has at least one owner. And, in many cases, there exists leadership down through the organizational chart. But not every business has strong governance. In a nutshell, governance is the set of rules, practices and processes by which a company is directed and controlled. Strengthening it can help ensure productivity, reduce legal… Continue reading Could Stronger Governance Benefit Your Business?

Posted on May 24, 2017 in Business Strategy

Hire Your Children to Save Taxes for Your Business and Your Family

  It can be difficult in the current job market for students and recent graduates to find summer or full-time jobs. If you’re a business owner with children in this situation, you may be able to provide them with valuable experience and income while generating tax savings for both your business and your family overall.

Posted on May 15, 2017 in Accounting, Taxes