Material participation key to deducting LLC and LLP losses
If your business is a limited liability company (LLC) or a limited liability partnership (LLP), you know that these structures offer liability protection and flexibility as well as tax advantages. But they once also had a significant tax disadvantage: The IRS used to treat all LLC and LLP owners as limited partners for purposes of… Continue reading Material participation key to deducting LLC and LLP losses
4 tough questions to ask before expanding to a new location
Is business going so well that you’re thinking about adding another location? If this is the case, congratulations! But before you start planning the ribbon-cutting ceremony, take a step back and ask yourself some tough questions about whether a new location will grow your company — or stretch it too thin. Here are four to… Continue reading 4 tough questions to ask before expanding to a new location
Listening to your customers by tracking lost sales
“Sorry, we don’t carry that item.” Or perhaps, “No, that’s not part of our service package.” How many times a year do your salespeople utter these words or ones like them? The specific number is critical because, if you don’t know it, you could be losing out on profit potential. Although you have to focus… Continue reading Listening to your customers by tracking lost sales
ESOPs offer businesses tax and other benefits
With an employee stock ownership plan (ESOP), employee participants take part ownership of the business through a retirement savings arrangement. Meanwhile, the business and its existing owner(s) can benefit from some potential tax breaks, an extra-motivated workforce and potentially a smoother path for succession planning. How ESOPs workTo implement an ESOP, you establish a trust… Continue reading ESOPs offer businesses tax and other benefits
Does your business have too much cash?
From the time a business opens its doors, the owner is told “cash is king.” It may seem to follow that having a very large amount of cash could never be a bad thing. But, the truth is, a company that’s hoarding excessive cash may be doing itself more harm than good. Liquidity overload What’s… Continue reading Does your business have too much cash?
Why Update Business Accounting Software?
Many entrepreneurs ask us why update business accounting software so often? Well, when you buy accounting software, even if the installation goes well, you will eventually grow frustrated when you don’t get the return on investment you’d expected. There’s a simple reason for this: Stuff changes. Technological improvements are occurring at a breakneck speed. So yesterday’s cutting-edge… Continue reading Why Update Business Accounting Software?
How to Decrease Your Business Insurance Costs
Adequate insurance coverage is, in many cases, a legal requirement for a business. Even if it’s not for your company, proper coverage remains a risk management imperative. But that doesn’t mean you have to take high insurance costs sitting down. If you are wondering how to decrease your business insurance costs, there are a… Continue reading How to Decrease Your Business Insurance Costs
Business Owners: Put Your Successor in a Position to Succeed
When it comes time to transition your role as business owner to someone else, you’ll face many changes. One of them is becoming a mentor. As such, you’ll have to communicate clearly, show some patience and have a clear conception of what you want to accomplish before stepping down. Here are some tips on… Continue reading Business Owners: Put Your Successor in a Position to Succeed
I Will Be Speaking this Coming June 5-7 in Las Vegas
Hello everyone, I will be speaking this coming Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday in Las Vegas at the Gold Coast Hotel and Casino. June 5 – Business Across Borders: Fundamentals of Multistate and Multinational Taxation 8am to 11:40am MST June 6 – Taxation of the Gig / Sharing Economy 1:10pm to 2:50pm MST June 7 –… Continue reading I Will Be Speaking this Coming June 5-7 in Las Vegas
What Are the Tax Implications of Making an Employee into a Partner?
In today’s competitive environment, offering employees an equity interest in your business can be a powerful tool for attracting, retaining and motivating quality talent. But what are the tax implications of making an employee into a partner? If your business is organized as a partnership, however, there are some tax traps you should watch out… Continue reading What Are the Tax Implications of Making an Employee into a Partner?