Many aspects of unemployment are handled at the state level, including the length of benefits, etc. Your eligibility will also filter through your state, so be sure to start there. The key part of the CARES Act unemployment provisions is that the $600 weekly benefit is available to just about everyone, including independent contractors and the self-employed.
Another aspect of the program is the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA). These benefits are calculated, again, by your state and are separate from the $600 weekly benefit. These benefits run through the end of the year. There are restrictions on eligibility. Read more at the Department of Labor.
What About PUA in California?
According to California’s Employment Development Department:
“You may qualify for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) if you are not eligible for regular Unemployment Insurance (UI) and you are unemployed or partially unemployed for a COVID-19 reason permissible under federal law. This includes:
- Business owners.
- Self-employed workers.
- Independent contractors.
- People with a limited work history.
- People who have used all their regular UI benefits as well as any extended benefits.
- People who are serving false statement penalty weeks on their regular UI claim.”
Get more details from the EDD here.
ASCEND Is Here to Help
Business owners, self-employed, and independent contractors may qualify for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance. If you’re not sure what that means for your business, your income and your family, then contact our offices. We have answers. Call today at 888-297-3321. We’ll get through this together!